Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Birthstones: Blue Topaz and Turquoise

December’s traditional birthstone is Blue Topaz. The name topaz is derived from the Indian Sanskrit word tapas, meaning fire. Another theory is that topaz derives its name from the Island of Topazos, in the Red Sea, where the Romans obtained a stone which they called by this name, but which was the modern chrysolite or peridot. Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine. Under the correct conditions, Topaz can grow to enormous sizes. Topaz typically occurs in cavities in rhyolite and granite, in pegmatite dikes, and in high-temperature veins in host rock.

Water Element Ring with Blue Topaz

Pure topaz is colorless and transparent but is usually tinted by impurities. Topaz can be found in varying shades of blue, yellow, gray, orange, red, brown, white, pale green, and pink. The crystals can have an opaque to transparent/translucent quality. While there are many colors of Topaz available Blue shades are the only stones traditionally associate with December. The blue hue is created with Topaz is heated, whether the heat sources is naturally or introduced manually by man. The three shades of Blue Topaz are Sky, Swiss and London Blue. Sky Blue Topaz, Swiss Blue Topaz, London Blue Topaz are names used in the gem trades to refer to the depth of color. Sky Blue is the lightest while London Blue is the darkest blue. The best deposits of Topaz can be found in Russia, Siberia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Africa and China, Japan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Australia, Mexico, and in the United States (in Maine, New Hampshire, California, Colorado, and Utah).

Elven Gemstone Earrings with Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz was believed to have cooling properties for both liquids and hot tempered people by ancient civilizations. The Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and to make its wearer invisible while the Romans believed it had power to improve eyesight. The Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury. A 13th century belief held that a topaz engraved with a falcon helped its wearer cultivate the good will of kings, princes and magnates.

Necklace of the Celts with Blue Topaz

The element associated with Topaz is Fire and its planetary rule is the Sun. Blue Topaz is known as a stone of love and fidelity. When worn, Blue Topaz strengthens faith and optimism, relieves depression, anger, fear, greed, and all troubling emotions. It is also believe to assist in recognizing your own abilities, attracts helpful people, aids in charisma and confidence.

Princess Filigree Earrings with Gemstones - Blue Topaz

Decembers alternative birthstone is Turquoise. The name comes from a French word which means "Stone of Turkey", due to the fact that it was initially brought to Europe by way of Turkey. It is one of the first gems to be used in jewelry. It has been mined by early Egyptians since at least 6000 BC. Most specimens are cryptocrystalline, meaning that the crystals can only be seen by a microscope. It is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper an aluminum. The finest turquoise comes from Iran but is challenged by some southwestern United States specimens. Lower quality turquoise is often dyed or color stabilized with coatings of various resins. This process is commonly referred to as Stabilizing as the coating gives the lower quality turquoise added strength. The color can change with exposure to skin oils if the stone has not been stabilized and therefore, jewelry should be wiped clean to deter this. Besides Iran, turquoise can be found in Arizona and New Mexico, USA, Australia, Afghanistan and other localities in the Middle East.

Ring of Ladies with Turquoise

Turquoise is a sacred stone for the North American Indians as well as the Tibetans, it is often used by shamans in rituals and ceremonies. North American Indians have a deep and ancient relationship with Turquoise and used it mosaic inlays, sculptural works, and fashioned the stones into toroidal beads and freeform pendants. It was and is still today considered a sacred stone, protecting the wearer against evil and ill health. The Navajo tribe used ground turquoise and coral in creating sand paintings to bring rain to parched lands. The Pueblos laid turquoise under the floor in offering to the deities when a kiva was built. Other American peoples attached turquoise to bows to ensure accurate shots. It has adorned the rulers of Ancient Egypt, the Aztecs, Persia, Mespotamia, the Indus Valley and to some extent in ancient China since at least the Shang Dynasty.

Gift Goddess Necklace, The Gift of Friendship - Turquoise

The element associate with Turquoise is Earth and its plantar rule is Venus and Neptune. Turquoise is seen as a very strong protective stone. It is commonly refereed to as the gemstone of friendship and luck. It is also believe to increase courage, health, and invite love to the wearer.

Spider with Gemstone Abdomen Web Necklace (Turquoise)

Posy Ring with Gemstone - Turquoise