Monday, November 1, 2010

November Birthstones: Yellow Topaz and Citrine

November’s traditional birthstone is Precious Yellow Topaz. The name topaz is derived from the Indian Sanskrit word tapas, meaning fire. Another theory is that topaz derives its name from the Island of Topazos, in the Red Sea, where the Romans obtained a stone which they called by this name, but which was the modern chrysolite or peridot. Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine. Under the correct conditions, Topaz can grow to enormous sizes. Topaz typically occurs in cavities in rhyolite and granite, in pegmatite dikes, and in high-temperature veins in host rock.

Sterling Silver Celtic Hart Ring with Yellow Topaz

Pure topaz is colorless and transparent but is usually tinted by impurities. Topaz can be found in varying shades of yellow, gray, orange, red, blue, brown, white, pale green, and pink. Pink and Orange-red Imperial Topaz are among the rarest natural colors and therefore the most expensive. The crystals can have an opaque to transparent/translucent quality. While there are many colors of Topaz available Yellow shades are the only stones traditionally associate with November. Yellow Topaz ranges in color from a peachy blush to a deep cognac. The best deposits of Topaz can be found in Russia, Siberia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Africa and China, Japan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Australia, Mexico, and in the United States (in Maine, New Hampshire, California, Colorado, and Utah).

Sterling Silver Rococo Gemstone Necklace with Yellow Topaz

The Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and to make its wearer invisible while the Romans believed it had power to improve eyesight. The Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury. Ancient Egyptians believed topaz’s golden color was the glow cast by the sun God Ra. A 13th century belief held that a topaz engraved with a falcon helped its wearer cultivate the good will of kings, princes and magnates.

Sterling Silver Elven Leaf Ring with Gemstone: Yellow Topaz

The element associated with Topaz is Fire and its planetary rule is the Sun. Topaz is known as a stone of love and good fortune. When worn, Yellow Topaz strengthens faith and optimism, relieves depression, anger, fear, greed, and all troubling emotions. It is also believe to assist in recognizing your own abilities, attracts helpful people, aids in charisma and confidence.

Sterling Silver Lord of The Rings Dwarven Ring of Power TM with Yellow Topaz

November’s alternative birthstone is Citrine. The name Citrine comes from an old French word, “citrin”, which means lemon. Citrine is a lovely yellowish gem belonging to the quartz family. Citrine ranges in color from a pale yellow to brown. Natural Citrine is one of the more rare forms of quartz. Citrine crystals are found in igneous metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Most Citrine is mined in Brazil, but can also be found in Ural Mountains of Russia, in Dauphine, France, and in Madagascar.

Sterling Silver Baroque Gemstone Necklace with Natural Citrine

Citrine has been popular for thousands of years and used to be revered for its rarity, though that has changed with time. The ancient Romans used it for beautiful jewelry and intaglio work. It was also very popular for jewelry in the 19th century. During the Art Deco period between World Wars I and II, large citrines were set in many prized pieces, including the massive and elaborate Art Deco inspired jewelry pieces made for big Hollywood stars such as Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford.

Sterling Silver Celtic Heart Knot Necklace with Natural Citrine

The element associated with Citrine is Fire and its planetary rule is the Sun. Citrine is seen as a Projective stone and aids in protection, intellectual powers, luck, success, will power, courage and self-confidence. Citrine can be worn at night to remove fear, to prevent nightmares and ensure a good night’s sleep.

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