Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jewelry Background Post - Elantris Aon Omi ™ Pendant

This month’s Jewelry Background Post is the officially Licensed Elantris Aon Omi Pendant. The Elantiris Aon line is the first licensed line we were granted by Brandon Sanderson. At the end of this entry there will be a special coupon code good for 20% off both the Enamled Aon Omi Pendant and the Un-Enameled Aon Omi Pendant.

Omi Pictured In Peacock

Loria, our office manager, was a member of a local Salt Lake City Boarders Book Club back in 2007 when she was first introduced to the extremely talented Brandon Sanderson. The club decided to read a local authors work and end up picking Elantris. Immediately Loria was taken by with the book and its characters. Located at the back of the book she found a glossary of the Aon symbols with their meaning and she loved their beautiful designs. When the book club next met Brandon came to discuss the book with the group. After the discussion was over Loria approached Brandon and told him of our company and asked him if he would ever consider licensing the Aon’s to be made as jewelry. Brandon liked the idea very much. Loria passed Elantris on to everyone at the shop and we all quickly became huge Brandon Sanderson fans. Soon after the Elantris Jewelry line was born.

Aons™ are the magical symbols used by Elantrians to perform AonDor™, the magic of the Aons™. Each symbol has a specific meaning and power. Aons™ are also used as the root of many words in the language system of Elantris. Most Aons™ are present in other Aons™.

A complex Aon (referring to Omi) with strong symmetry, the Aon has often been used as an example of balance, and even perfection. The great AonDor scholar Enelan of the fourth century called it "The most perfect of Aons, fully incorporating the base of Aon Aon and spinning it into a complex icon that is artful and complicated, yet somehow basically simple at the same time."

(From Brandon Sanderson’s Blog, Entry: Aon Omi Detail Explanation!)

Omi is a symbol of Love and Benevolence. As part of their wedding ceremony Sarene™ and Raoden™, the heroin and hero, exchange stone pendants with the Omi symbol engraved on them.

Omi Pictured In Black Onyx and Jade.

They performed the ceremony, exchanging Korathi pendants that bore Aon Omi and pledging their lives and deaths to one another. The pendant he gave to Sarene had been delicately carved from pure Jade by Taan himself, then overlaid with bands of gold to matcher her hair. Sarene’s own gift was less extravagant, but equally fitting. Somewhere she had found a heavy black stone that polished up as if it were metal and its reflective darkness complimented Raoden’s silvery skin.

(Excerpt from Elantris, Chapter 63.)

Un-Enameled Aon Omi Pendant

For more in depth information on the history and meaning of the Omi please use the following link to Brandon Sanderson’s blog:!

Each Aon™ pendant was created using a combination of techniques. In order to get the exact shape of the Aon™ we had the symbols photo etched onto plates. From there we took each plate textured it using bur tools and cleaned each up by hand. Finally we added the jump ring and molded each pendant.

We chose to offer the pendants with gem colored enamel to symbolize the stones used to make Korathi™ pendants. When a color is ordered we hand mix the color, each specially formalized by our wonderful enamel artist Ryan Cazier. Once mixed, the enamel is applied by hand and heat treated to give it a durable, glossy surface.

Finally we the part of this post you have been waiting for, the discount coupon code! The code is: BLG7OMI and will be good until 8/8/2010. Enter the coupon code during the check out process online or mention the code with any phone order.

I hope you have enjoyed this Jewelry Background Post. Please feel free to make any suggestions of pieces you would like to learn more about in future months.

"Elantris", "Aon", "Raoden", "Sarene", "Korathi", "AonDor", "Aha", "Ashe", "Daa", "Edo", "Ehe", "Ene", "Eon", "Ien", "Mai", "Omi", "Rao", and "Shao", are trademarks of Dragonsteel Entertainment Inc. c/o JABberwocky Literary Agency. All Rights Reserved.

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