Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Birthstones

Top of the month to you! Here is the first of our monthly Birthstone Illuminations.

July's traditional Birthstone is Ruby. Rubies range in color from shades of pink to magenta to deep red. The word Ruby comes from the Latin "ruber," meaning red. It is the red variety of the mineral Corundum, which is the second hardest natural mineral known to mankind. Any other color of Corundum is considered a Sapphire. Star Rubies are formed by oriented rutile crystal inclusions which cause a six-rayed-star light effect (called asterism). Rubies can be found all over the world but the best gemstones are found in Thailand, India, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, North Carolina in the U.S., Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Kampuchea, and perhaps most notably, Burma (Myanmar).

Nenya TM with Natural Ruby

It is believed that a Ruby's glow comes from an internal unquenchable flame. Because of this, Rubies are a symbol of eternal love. When worn, a Ruby is thought to convey invulnerability, or protection, good health, it banishes sadness and negative thoughts, produces joy, strengthens will power and confidence.

Narya TM with Lab Grown Ruby

The element associated with Rubies is of course Fire. Ancient tribes used the gem as bullets for blowguns, and it was said that a pot of water would boil instantly if a Ruby was tossed into it.

Designer Original Ornate Natural Ruby Ring

A Ruby is a perfect gift for a love one or

Gemstone Heart Necklace

alternative Birthstone for July is Carnelian. Carnelian is part of the agate family. It ranges in color from light brownish-red to deep transparent red. The color is due to Iron Oxide in the crystal matrix. Most Carnelian is heat or die treated to make its natural color richer.

Lord Chancellor's Ring

Carnelian is thought to provide protection, to bolster courage, to inspire eloquence, and to still feelings of anger, envy or hatred.

Spider with Gemsone Abdomen Necklace

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