Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August's Birthstone: Peridot

August's birthstone is Peridot. Its name comes from the Arabic word "faridat," meaning gem. Peridot is a mineral named Olivine, magnesium iron silicate. Peridot crystals form in magma from the upper mantle (20 to 55 miles deep), and are brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic activity where we find them in extrusive igneous rocks. The color is found in a variety of greens, ranging from light yellowish green to a dark olive. Early mining for this gem was done on Saint John's Island near Egypt around 1500 BC. Today, Peridot is mined in Burma, Norway, Brazil, Australia, Hawaii, the Congo, North Carolina and in Arizona.

Rococo Gemstone Necklace

Ancient Egyptians referred to Peridot as the "gem of the sun," because of their dazzling brilliance when seen in the desert sun. Peridot is sometimes referred to as an “Evening Emerald”. One myth to explain this name is that it was believed that the Peridot glowed with light even as darkness fell. Ancient Hawaiians believed that Peridot found in the black volcanic sands were the tears shed by Pele, the volcano goddess.

Elven Necklace

Peridot is strongly associated with nature and the Goddess. The Goddess represents the female, nurturing, creative aspect of the universal force. Understandingly, the element associated with Peridot is Earth.

Elven Gemstone Earrings

It is believed that when worn Peridot will help with physical detoxification. It is used to attract love, calm raging anger, soothe nervousness and to counter the effects of negative emotions. It is also used to heal emotional and physical pain, and to lighten suffering. If worn to bed it is believed to aid in restful sleeping.

Skull and Crossbones Ring with Gemstones

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