Friday, August 6, 2010

A Geek Love Story - Forging a Comic-Con Engagement Ring

This story starts off like most; boy meets girl, girl falls for boy at Comic-Con '09, boy asks girl to marry him in Hall H in front of 6,000 people at Comic-Con '10. Ok, so maybe it's not a classic love story, but it is a true blue love story and we were lucky to play a part in it.

Our contribution to James and Se Young's love story started near the end of June when we received an email from James inquiring if we make custom engagement rings. His plan was to surprise the love of his life, Se Young, in asking her to marry him at Comic-Con '10. We jumped at the chance to aid James in his proposal and quickly started into designing a ring that would center around the concept of time. James, with the help of Se Young's best friend, obtained a few images of rings that Se Young had been interested in and forward them onto Janelle. With the aid of the images Janelle created a design that seemed to blow James's socks off.

The upside down set diamond was used to represent a sun dial and the roman numerals around the ring and tracer bands were to represent a clock face. When the tracer bands are added to the ring, they complete the clock face, symbolizing the culmination and unity of time and eternity.

The ring was executed to perfection by our lead jeweler and founder, Paul J. Badali. The entire ring was created by hand in a not-so-simple sequence of steps. Once the ring was completed it, took the breath away of everyone here at the shop. Loria even cried a little. Granted, she's pregnant and really prone to emotional outbursts.

The ring was set safely in a box and was not let out of the BJS Inc crew's sight the entire way to San Diego. On Saturday, Janelle had the pleasure to met up with James outside of the convention hall, hand delivered the ring and wished him luck. That night in front of 6,000 other Comic-Con attendees during the Kevin Smith panel, James asked Se Young to spend the rest of their geek lives together. Cheers and camera flashes filled Hall H as James sank to one knee and pulled out the ring. Although you could not hear her answer over the cheers of the crowed, we know she said yes as James slipped the ring on her finger and she kissed him fervently. They embraced and then were offered by Kevin Smith to have him marry them at next years Comic-Con.

As cool as that was, the only thing Janelle and Paul could think about was, "Does she like the ring?" They found out the next day when James and Se Young came by the booth to officially meet both of them. Both Paul and Janelle were delighted to hear that Se Young loved her ring and though that it was absolutely beautiful.

The experience is one that we all will never forget. We have the opportunity to create custom pieces for people every now and then, but we rarely have the chance to meet the people who purchase and receive the items in person. It touches us deeply to see that our work aids in creating such personal and important memories. We know that a piece of jewelry has the power to embody memories, but this is the first time that we have been able to witness the creation of one of those moments.

Congratulations and thanks again to James and Se Young. We at Badali Jewelry Specialties wish you the longest and happiest of lives together. We feel truly honored to have been the Lords of your Ring.

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