Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September's Birthstones: Blue Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli

Sorry everyone that this is so late. September has been a bear of a month for us, a good bear, one that you would love to pet and keep forever, but a bear none the less.

Sterling Silver LOTR Vilya

September's birthstone is Blue Sapphire. The name Sapphire comes from the Greek word "Sapphirus", meaning blue. You may be asking yourself "I thought all Sapphire's were blue?" Not so. Sapphire is a verity of the mineral Corundum, which is the second hardest natural mineral known to mankind. Corundum comes in just about every color you can imagine, with Red being identified as Ruby, all other colors are identified as Sapphires. Blue colored Sapphire's are the traditional birthstone of September and are the most highly prized color of Sapphires. Sapphire is found in Australia, Sri Landa, Kashmir, Myanmar, Thailand, Burma, Kampuchea, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, China, and the United States.

Designer Original 14k Gold Natural Sapphire Necklace

Ancient legend believe that the world is set upon a giant sapphire and it is it's reflection which colors the sky blue. The folk name for Sapphire is Holy Stone and the ancient Greeks identified it with Apollo. Sapphires were worn by the Greeks when consulting oracles such as the famous oracle at Delphi. It was and is still warn today to stimulate the third eye for the purpose of expanding psychic awareness. Sapphires have been favored by royalty and priests because of because its symbolic nature of wisdom and purity. Sapphires are prominently used among the British Crown Jewels.

Sterling Silver Snake Knot Ring with Gemstone Eyes

The element associate with Sapphire is Water and it's planetary rule is the Moon. When worn it is believed that the stone promotes fidelity and attunes the feelings between lovers. It is also believed to be a guardian stone, protecting from "devils and evil" and promoting health, peace, and wisdom in the wearer. Sapphires are also believed to draw money and success to it's owner.

Sterling Silver Sovereign Lord's Ring with Natural Lapis Lazuli

Septembers alternative Birthstone is Lapis Lazuli. The name is composed from "lapis", the Latin word for stone and "azula" the Arabic word which means blue. Sometimes abbreviated as just Lapis, it is a stone that has be highly prized throughout time for its intensely blue color. Lapis Lazuli usually occurs in crystalline marble as a result of contact metamorphism. The finest specimens are intense blue with a light spattering of small flecks of golden pyrite. The best Lapis has been mined for more then 5000 years in Hindu Kush in the north-east of Afghanistan. It can also be found in Russia, in the Chilean Andes and in smaller amount in Italy, Mongolia, the USA, Canada, Myanmar and Pakistan.

Sterling Silver Large Nouveau Fairy Necklace with Gemstone

It is believed to be one of the first gemstones used as jewelry. In ancient Egypt Lapis Luli was a favorite stone for amulets and ornaments like scarabs. It was also used by the Assyrians and Babylonians for seals. In a powdered form, Lapis was used as eyeshadow by Cleopatra. In ancient times, it was commonly called Sapphire. More recently, up until the 19th century, it was ground to a powder and processed to make ulramarine pigment for tempera paint and sometimes oil paint. Many paintings of the Madonna used pigments made from Lapis Lazuli due to the vibrant hue of blue it created.

Sterling Silver Ring of Ladies

The element associated with Lapis is Water and it's planetary rule is the Venus. The stone is believed to be a strong healing and soothing stone. It is said that by simply touching the body with this stone it improves your mental, physical, spiritual, psychic and emotional condition. It is also believe to be an uplifting stone, the deep blue color reflecting peaceful vibrations and is useful for relieving depression and stimulating gentleness. Wearing Lapis Lazuli is also believed to promote joy, love, fidelity, protection and courage to the wearer.

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